OK, folks, it’s possible that Trump has finally crossed the line.
Last week, David Duke — of KKK fame — told his supporters that, while he wasn't formally endorsing Trump, voting for anyone else would be treason against their heritage. This is typical David Duke stuff. Trump is probably the whitest guy on the stage, and white is the root of all David Duke boners. Or something like that.
Well, Trump was on CNN over the weekend, and Jake Tapper asked him about the David Duke non-endorsement endorsement. Tapper asked if Trump would distance himself from the former Grand Wizard and here’s what Trump said to dodge the issue: "I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So I don't know. I don't know — did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."
While he may have eventually "disavowed," Duke's endorsement, when Tapper informed Trump that he was specifically asking about the KKK, the Donald attempted to defect further by saying, "I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about.”
Yes. You read that right. Trump was on TV trying to convince us all that he doesn’t know what the KKK is.
The way I see it, there are two possibilities here. First, Trump never attended American history class because he didn’t see a direct way to make money from it. He paid a freshman to take the exams for him or something, the result being that he’s staggeringly ignorant of the history of our nation and therefore unfit to govern it.
The second possibility is that Trump is playing the angles. He knows Super Tuesday is coming and, with it, a plethora of Southern primaries. He also read his polling from last week, which demonstrated that a third of his supporters believe that whites are superior to other races and 20% believe we shouldn't have freed the slaves. Disavowing the KKK risks alienating this large voting bloc, and Trump is just craven enough to pander to them. In which case, he’s still unfit to govern our nation. However, he could possibly could be the next Grand Wizard of the KKK, once he’s finds the freshman who took his exams to explain it to him.
Whatever the result is, we should all fear a person who doesn’t immediately recoil when hearing about the KKK. People who support overt hate are not the kind of people who should be President.